It's February, so I'm Trying to Find things to Post On. Therefore You're Going to Get Some Simple Regression Tests from the 2008 MLB Season.

The Major High Outlier: San Francisco with 1240 Ks and 72 Wins
The Low Outlier: St. Louis with 957 Ks and 86 Wins
Formula: Ks = 826 + (3.33) * Wins
ReFangled Formula: Wins = (Ks - 826) / (3.33)
Fun Math Time
If there's one thing you can deem from the chart, it's that having a pitching staff that strikes out people doesn't necessarily translate to wins. Regardless taking the formula above if I want the Yanks to win 100 games than this regression says the Yanks should strike out 1160. And say the Cards decide they are only going to K 957 people again this year then the formula says they can expect to win 40 games.

The Major High Outlier: San Francisco with 1240 Ks and 72 Wins
The Low Outlier: St. Louis with 957 Ks and 86 Wins
Formula: Ks = 826 + (3.33) * Wins
ReFangled Formula: Wins = (Ks - 826) / (3.33)
Fun Math Time
If there's one thing you can deem from the chart, it's that having a pitching staff that strikes out people doesn't necessarily translate to wins. Regardless taking the formula above if I want the Yanks to win 100 games than this regression says the Yanks should strike out 1160. And say the Cards decide they are only going to K 957 people again this year then the formula says they can expect to win 40 games.