It's February, so I'm Trying to Find things to Post On. Therefore You're Going to Get Some Simple Regression Tests from the 2008 MLB Season.

The Major High Outlier: Texas with an WHIP of 1.58 an 79 Wins
The Low Outlier: Toronto with an WHIP of 1.24 and 86 Wins
Formula: WHIP = 1.837 + (-0.005525) * Wins
ReFangled Formula: Wins = (WHIP - 1.837) / (-0.005525)
Fun Math Time
Say I want the Yankees to Win a 100 games next year, what would their WHIP likely need to be around? 1.837 + (-0.005525)*100 = 1.28 WHIP. And say I think the Nationals are going to stink up the joint with their horrile pitching and throw up say a 1.56 WHIP. (1.56-1.837) / (-0.005525) = 50 Wins.

The Major High Outlier: Texas with an WHIP of 1.58 an 79 Wins
The Low Outlier: Toronto with an WHIP of 1.24 and 86 Wins
Formula: WHIP = 1.837 + (-0.005525) * Wins
ReFangled Formula: Wins = (WHIP - 1.837) / (-0.005525)
Fun Math Time
Say I want the Yankees to Win a 100 games next year, what would their WHIP likely need to be around? 1.837 + (-0.005525)*100 = 1.28 WHIP. And say I think the Nationals are going to stink up the joint with their horrile pitching and throw up say a 1.56 WHIP. (1.56-1.837) / (-0.005525) = 50 Wins.