~That wasn't my seat but it certainly was the "best seat" in the house. Look at that beam wee. Who needs to see the plate?
~If you're going to a game at Citi Field my first advise would be not get the cheapest seats in the house. That is unless you actually like not being able to see any of the outfield. Below is essentially where I was seated and for the majority of the game I couldn't see the left fielder OR the center fielder, I could see both when Luis Castillo was up. I also couldn't see the apple in center field. If you're going to get cheap seats, spend the extra 10 bucks and get them promenade seats in fair territory.

~So what are my overall thoughts on the stadium. It's 1 billion times better than Shea. It's not even close. Sure there's the limited view seats, but everything about the ballpark feels and looks better. And it's not even close.
~That being said there are issues, and most of these issues come if you're a Mets fan which I am not. I think honoring Jackie Robinson is great and all, but when you walk into the Mets ballpark don't you think the first thing you should see is a Mets logo, or a lot of pictures of Mets players? Instead you get a ton of Jackie Robinson photos and a massive blue 42. It's a great way to honor a great man, but to me if I'm a Mets fan that's not what I want.
~And that was far from the end of the Brooklyn escapades. We walked into a Mets store, one of the approximately 35 in the stadium, and the first thing we saw was a Dodgers jersey. It obviously was a Jackie Robinson jersey but still, you walk through the door and stare Dodgers in the face. It pissed my buddy off to no end. Then there's the Ebbet's club which is the fancy pants club for fancy pants people. The Ebbet's club has picture of Ebbet's field around it. The normal concession stands are called Brooklyn Burgers, or something to that measure, despite the fact that you're actually in Flushing. Way way too much Dodger stuff and not enough Mets stuff.
~The section of the stadium with Shake Shack, Blue Smoke and the Taqueria is where the good food is. Well I'm sure there's good food in the Ebbet's club, but good food normal people can buy. I bought two steak tacos which were delicious and a pint of BROOKLYN Ale. Unfortunately I went there in the 7th and missed the only run scored the entire game, had to watch it on the big screen tv while in line.
~There's still nothing to do outside the stadium and the CHOP shop is still grotesque looking.
~The outfield dimensions are overly quirky. Especially in right field with the Modell's section which is receeded about 10 feet behind the upper deck over hang. Not sure why they did that and not sure I like it. It makes it look as if the upper-deck is in the field of play. That's a bit too quirky for me.
~The stadium was pretty damn confusing to get around and there were a ton of security guards telling me I couldn't go in places or use certain staircases. I found that a bit weird/annoying. Also, the staircases need flat screen tvs.
~We walked into the Caesar's club and immediately didn't feel like we were in a baseball stadium anymore.
~I feel as if they could have added way way way more bathrooms than they had. Is there really a reason to have a bathroom with only 6 urinals? There should be like 40 per bathroom. There shouldn't be 30+ person lines in between innings anymore.
~We couldn't have asked for a better game. Straight pitchers dual between Johan and Yovani. The Mets took the lead in the 7th then handed it to the Putz, K-Rod combo and that was that.
~All in all it was a solid trip. The stadium is a billion times better than Shea again, but it certainly has some kinks to work out and certainly takes time to figure out how to get around. The stadium was nice, the food was solid, the game was great, just spend a few extra bucks and get tickets where you can see the entire field.
~Also, after the game we walked around the stadium and ended up catching the tail end of the Brewers squad walking into their bus. Power Jew looked like he thinks he's the shit and Trevor Hoffman is enormous.
2nd Photo Courtesy of Amazin Avenue