Now, in my opinion, a 1% failure rate is unacceptable. But 75%? By my calculations, LAX missed 52 bombs, O’Hare missed 45 and San Francisco missed 29, and between the three airports they missed 43% on average. Call me a pessimist, but I don’t like the idea that I’ve got a little better then 50/50 shot of not getting blown up in midair.
It’s good to know that the Homeland Security guys think that “this is a huge cause for concern,” and they are taking a more aggressive approach on “keeping screeners attentive.” Not to worry though, screeners who miss detonators, timers, batteries and blocks that look like C4 get remedial training.
Wait, what? Will somebody please tell these ass-bags that it’s my ass on the line up there? I’ve got an idea to increase attentiveness, how about instead of getting remedial training (read: a pat on the ass and a try better next time) how about you get canned, or thrown in front of a bus, if you miss a bomb? If I go to Dunkin Donuts and order a medium regular, but 43% of the time I get handed a turd sandwich, I’m betting that employee doesn’t have his job very long.
And just to throw some sports in there, I wish Lofton would have gone after Beckett last night. Unless Kenny pulled some brass knucks out of his jock, Beckett would have been breaking osteoporosied bones left and right.
Pic: Time.com