I find myself to be somewhere in between the middle of the general consensus when it comes to celebrations. Sometimes I'm perfectly fine with over the top celebrations and other times I think they're close to disgraceful. Last weeks walkoff homer from Manny Ramirez I was the former. It was a walk off homer, it's cause for massive celebration. If you want to sit in the box and stare at your majestic game winner go ahead, you in fact probably should make the moment last as long as possible. Last night however was completely different.
Back in the ole Fraternity days, I was thrust in Red Sox Nation and there were plenty of tolerable fans who were knowledgeable about baseball and understood the difference of game situations. And then there were a few who would jump up and down as if the the Red Sox won the Series with every beneficial moment regardless of the game situation. This absolutely drove me crazy. If your team scores a run to cut a deficit from 5 runs to 4 runs it's cause for muted celebration, not running around the fraternity house yelling at the top of your lungs.
And this brings me back to Manny. Last nights homer was semi historic, back to back to back home runs is a historical playoff accomplishment which has only been accomplished once prior, however in the grand scheme it simply cut the deficit from 5 runs to 4 runs. It wasn't that important of a hit, at the end of the game the Red Sox lost by the same exact score. So instead of treating the home run as what it was, a hit to inch the game closer, Manny once again treated it like he had hit a walkoff homerun, complete with spirit finger waving, a staredown in the batters box, and a leaping hug into Papi's arms while entering the dugout. Simply put, he acted like a complete ass last night. He showed up Indians pitcher Jensen Lewis, who proceeded to shut down the Sox the next 2 frames, and should not be surprised if sometime early in the season during a Red Sox/Indians series he receives a nice 95 mph circular rib massage.
I wish I could make 20 million a year, play baseball year round and act like I am stoned all of the time.
Side note, is it necessary for a curtain call after a homerun in the 2nd or 3rd inning?
Side note 2, is anyone else getting sick of the yankees suck, red sox suck, wakefield sucks, manny sucks, papi sucks, etc. chants? I'd put my hands in the air too if I just hit a homerun after that chant.
Also, I am 99% sure that one of Ted Williams' legacies is that he would always refuse to do a curtain call.
Curtain Calls should be reserved for multiple home run games. Or pitcher who shutsdown a team through 7 or 8 innings.
The towel wave? They can't do better then that?
I think that was Manny's way of flipping off the Cleveland fans for being so ridiculous.
Being someone that has been stuck in Cleveland for a day and a night due to flight delays, I can tell you that the people there don't have much to live for. That city sucks.