No serious crimes this week, which is nice, but just proves that you don't need to do something horrendous to be considered a moron. 1. Eric Schnupp - Some may choose to call him the Biggest Waste of Oxygen this weekend, I prefer to call him inspiration. When your team sucks, as Baylor most certainly does, can you think of any better way to motivate the troops than urinating on a bar the night after another painful loss. I don't know if I can. 2. El-Hadji Diouf - If you were the best player for your national team and you were only 26 the logical progression would be what? Captaincy? Or... retirement. Why because they were no longer paying for his plain flights. This coming from the same player who admitted to getting thrown out of Premiership games on purpose. 3. EA Sports - Video games aren't just for kids plenty of adults play them as well I know. But there are a lot of kids walking around the aisles who will grab EA sports games and think to themselves, wow Shawne Merriman is cool or if your Latin Luis Castillo es un gran chico. And now the children are idolizing steroid users. Good idea EA. 4. Manny Ramirez - Manny doesn't care about losing and doesn't care if he makes a mockery of the game and of the opposing pitchers. The moral of story is that the only thin that Manny Ramirez does that should be taken seriously is hit a baseball. Other than that every single thing the man does should be taken with a grain of salt. Get Your Vote On Last Weeks Winner: Dave Wannstedt |
This is me ranting about sports... It's what I do.