Hey Guys its Kaz Matsui again just saying hi to all my fans out there. I especially want to say hi to all of the Met fans out there. Can you believe that I'm going to the World Series this year? It's only been a little over a year since the Mets organization traded me against all of the support I received from the wonderful fanbase in New York. I understand how in agony you guys were last year when you were getting eliminated in Game 7 of the NLCS, all because you were stuck with Jose Valentin as your second baseman. But I know that all of you are still in my corner and can't wait for the possibility of me walking around the diamond with the World Series trophy. That'll be great won't it, if since my entry into Major League Baseball I had more World Series rings than the Mets.
And how about the fact that I had the most RBIs in the NL in the first two rounds. How great is that? You all definitely saw it coming. 8 RBI and a .310 average, man did I put it together this postseason so far. Not to mention all of the terrific double plays myself and Tulo have turned thus far. If it wasn't for Matt Holliday being such an animal maybe I would have won the NLCS MVP, oh well I know I had the Mets fan vote regardless.
I'm going to get going though. Gonna rest up for a few days and back to practice for the start of the Series. Thanks again for all the continual support, feel free to wear all of your Met Kaz Matsui apparel over the next few days.