2. Hey Ladies the cheese comes free with the package.
3. Look past the acne girls and look straight at that Smelley Cock, it's delicious and nutritious.

2. I attempted to change my name to Loss Miles but the court would not allow it.
3. Being the best team in the country is not fun, it's much more fun underachieving with superb talent.

2. Why was our QB leaking Vagina Juices?
3. Who wants to be the #1 team in the country anyway.

2. It is hot as balls in Miami, I really should have shaved off everything.
3. Noooo, why did you take a picture of me? I look like an idiot.

2. Coach Groh told me landing on my head will build strength in my spine.
3. I'm as upside down as our record. 6-1? What the hell?

Stoops "I have no idea, you guys are actually good for a change."
Pinkel "Ya no kidding #11, how sweet is that."
Stoops "Well that's for today, tomorrow you will slide a bit."
Pinkel "True."

2. The Browns have as many wins as me this season. Damn it.
3. Powder Blue does not highlight my strong features.

2. We're ready to be the most overrated #2 team in the history of college football.
3. I stole Charlie's Cheeseburger and it was fantastic.

2. Hi Mom
3. Again Horned Frogs > Trojans

2. What the hell am I going with a Brass Spittoon?
3. Nevermind, I have an idea, chugging contests out of the Spittoon tonight.