A Day Early cause of the ole vaca coming up. Deal with it. 1. David Nugent - Mr. Nugent, I'm sure the best pick up on the planet is not sending someone a text message of your penis. I could be wrong, I have had a girlfriend for the majority of the year and I've never been the smoothest fella with the ladies but I don't think that typically works. 2. Tim McClelland - In the most pressure packed game of the season where each team is either in or one and done you would hope that the umpiring would not be controversial. Instead McClelland had an awkward and inconsistent strike zone the entire game, his crew blew the Atkins home run ball and McClelland himself got the final game winning play at the plate wrong. 3. Claire Lyte - So you're done with your daily lesson with your coach and former professional tennis player and your mom is a little late to pick you up. What to do? Oh I know how about your coach and you, a 13 year old girl, perform sexual acts together. That's not a good idea. 4. Daniel Barron - What the hell is up with people wanting to have sex with minors this week. 11? What the f*ck is wrong with you dude? He's 11. I hope you enjoy the federal pound me in the ass prison that you will be going to. And why would anyone really want to go to a Dolphins game. Get Your Vote On Last Weeks Winner: Michael Vick |
This is me ranting about sports... It's what I do.