The Degrees of Loss Separation is a simple concept, I go out and find a highly rated team with some losses playing against a crappy team with lots of losses. Next I find a chain of losses which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt (not at all) that the underdog is going to pull the major upset and storm the field. The Final Outcome is calculated simply: Add up the scores of the losers, add up the scores of the winners in the degrees of loss separation and divide both by the # of degrees.
The Game: Ohio State Buckeyes vs. Michigan Wolverines
Michigan vs. Ohio State is one of America's greatest rivalries yet for the 2nd straight season its practically not on America's radar thanks to the Wolverines ineptitude. Michigan fans are thankful for the Ohio State game not because they legitimately expect victory but rather because it signifies the end of yet another torturous season under Rich Rodriguez. But alas the Degrees are here to bring you hope Wolverine fans. All is not lost. Michigan will pull off the upset on saturday and will close out their season with a loss in the GMAC bowl or something similarly crappy.
3º of Loss Separation : Michigan > Notre Dame > Purdue > Ohio State
The Degrees start back in ye olden tymes, aka September, when Michigan was still winning football games. The Wolverines took out theMighty Irish 38-34. The Irish two weeks later dispatched of the Boilermakers 24-21 in one of their many field goal or less wins. The Degrees was completed when the Purdon't shocked the world and knocked off Ohio State 26-18.
Final Outcome: Michigan 29 Ohio State 24
Tate the Great leads a last minute drive down the field and completes a game winning touchdown pass with under 30 seconds remaining. Wolverines win, Wolverines win.
The Game: Ohio State Buckeyes vs. Michigan Wolverines

3º of Loss Separation : Michigan > Notre Dame > Purdue > Ohio State
The Degrees start back in ye olden tymes, aka September, when Michigan was still winning football games. The Wolverines took out the
Final Outcome: Michigan 29 Ohio State 24
Tate the Great leads a last minute drive down the field and completes a game winning touchdown pass with under 30 seconds remaining. Wolverines win, Wolverines win.