~Mr. Pettitte tied a record that Derek Lowe also shares and probably somebody else too. He was the winning pitcher in each of the series clinchers.
~Everyone making a big deal about 3 days rest can all shut up now. What a stupid topic. Andy Pettitte, CC Sabathia and AJ Burnett have all pitched on 3 days rest before. They are all massive men. They have gotten ample rest the entire postseason. They weren't going to be asked to throw 8 innings. Each and all of them could pitch on 3-days rest without being significantly diminished or diminished at all. Pitching Gaudin would have been stupid. AJ Burnett pitched bad because he's AJ Burnett. He also pitched like crap on full rest in his 2nd start against the Angels.
~Can Mo continue to dominate into his 90s? I hope so. Perhaps the Steinbrenners can just clone him, that'll be the next way to increase payroll.
~Someone paint A-Rod a mural of the team as centaurs, he deserves it.
~If A-Rod did not get busted for steroids, would he now qualify for the greatest player of all time? What would he need to do to garner that distinction? He was the best player this playoffs, he's been arguably the best player in baseball for a decade and a half, he might set the all-time home run record, he's won MVPs, Gold Gloves, etc. etc.
~Swisher had sex with ___ women last night? Over/Under is set at 2.5.
~Think Mike Mussina is angry today? He was a Yankee from 2001-2008. Picked up zero world series titles and left after a 20 win season. (H/T FackYouk)
~And don't forget about Giambi, a Yankee from 2002-2008. The Giambino has zero world series rings and one gold thong.

~What will the Yankees do with the money that's coming off their payroll this offseason? Matsui, Nady and Damon are all off the books. Matty and Damon were both heroes of the World Series. Do they let either or both walk? Damon's already proved that he'll move to where the money is, so if someone offers him a 4 or 5 year deal I bet he goes there. Matty might have the Japanese loyalty and be willing to sign for a year.
~Nick Swisher, Mark Teixeira, Robinson Cano and Brett Gardner were a combined 2 for 243 this series. Or something like that.
~The Phillies could use a sidekick for Lee. Perhaps Hamels can wake up and stop being a lady.
~Thank you Jimmy Rollins and Ryan Howard for being mostly useless this series.
~Is Steinbrenner alive?
~Shall I go to the parade tomorrow? Hmm...
~I'm gonna miss this...
~World Series games 6 and 7 should really be on friday and saturday. I desired to get drunk last night and not have to go to work this morning.