Do the Orioles or the A's necessarily want to trade either? Probably not, but there is no harm in putting them out there to see what you can get. Neither the Orioles or the A's are particularly structured to get it done next season. So why not see if they can build for the future?
Just look at the Orioles for a moment. They have one young position player that could grow into an all star in Nick Markakis. Other than that there's nobody on the roster that you think will be anything special. So what exactly is Bedard going to give them in the next two seasons? A few spectacular but meaningless seasons where his record is the difference between 65 and 75 wins? Who cares.
The Marlins just brought in two of the top prospects in all of baseball plus four additional players for one great player that they were going to lose in two years anyway. They capitalized at the precise moment when their largest chip, Miguel Cabrera, was at his highest value and got fair value for him. So if the A's don't think they have any chance in signing Dan Haren in the 09-10 offseason and believe that they can get multiple assets for that will greatly improve their chances of winning in the future than why not?
The Orioles have already rejected a deal from the Mets that would have included Carlos Gomez, Phil Humber and Aaron Heilman for Bedard. That's about the best offer the Mets could give and the Orioles rejected it. They don't want to trade Bedard, but if somebody blows them out of the water in their discussions than they should make the deal. And that's why it's called a market, everyone is available and everyg has a price.