This Scarecrow Needs a Brain: Joe Gibbs, It's been a very very long week for Joe Gibbs and his Washington Redskins but there is no excuse for being around the league for longer than I've been alive and not knowing that you can't call back to back timeouts. That killed your team, and you admitted it afterward. Runners Up: Sean Payton calling the fumbled reverse, .
Cough Cough Cough: AJ Feeley, Now there's the AJ Feeley we all know. Multiple interceptions including the nail in the coffin when the Eagles were driving into the red zone in the final minutes with a chance to win the game. Runners Up: The Bears made the Eli look clutch, David Garrard throws his first interception in the 4th quarter in the red zone.
The Shocker: Oakland Raiders, Maybe I'm just reluctant to admit that the Broncos are completely overrated, but I did not see the Raiders beating the them this weekend. And in reality the Raiders really beat them twice this season and it would have counted on the standings as so if not for that last second timeout that wiped out Janikowski's first fg attempt in game 1. Runners Up: Minnesota's complete dominance, Baltimore being competitive.

You Got JAKKED UP: Donte Stallworth, was knocked out by epilepsy.
My Fantasy Anti-MVP: Jay Cutler, I had a slim chance to make the playoffs in my 2nd league and it was quickly brought down by Jay Cutler on Sunday afternoon when he put up another shitty performance. Twas a very very bad draft pick and another one of those times where I shouldn't have brought out the well I drafted the other guy in the other league so let's change it up a bit. Else I would have Big Ben in both leagues and probably be in the playoffs.
New York Jets MVP: Miami, Really Miami just sucks so bad on offense that they made the Jets defense look dominate. The Dolphins are a joke.
My Picks
My Picks: 9-7
Preseason Picks: 9-7
Picks Vs. Spread: 8-8
Mediocre, that is all.