This Scarecrow Needs a Brain: Tom Cable, At what point in time did you think that Fake field goal had any shot in the world of being successful. Janikowski running with the football? Your punter throwing it between his legs? Ugh. Runners Up: Hasslett for apparently not playing a healthy SJAX down the stretch, Brett Favre threw up a beautiful arm punt.
Cough Cough Cough: Drew Brees, Say goodbye to the MVP. Tie game with 3:50 remaining you throw and INT which puts the Bucs in position to hit a lead grabbing field go despite going 3 and out. Then you get the ball back with 1:55 down by three and on your second pass you throw a game ending INT. Runners Up: The Jets had the chance to solidify them as an elite and instead solidified themselves as suspect, the Bears could not pound the ball in on four plays from the 1 and then gave up a 99 yard td.
The Shocker: The 49ers, I've stated over and over and over again that the Bills were overrated early this year, but a home loss to the Niners? Seriously? That's terrible. I don't care if your QB got injured or not, the Niners suck. Runners Up: San Diego is 4-8 and essentially dead, Jacksonville is 4-8 and completely dead.
The Pimp: Pittsburgh Defense, Matt Cassell looked like he might be emerging after back to back 400 yard games, and then he met up with the Steel Curtain. That matchup didn't bode well for the former backup as he turned into a punching bag and a turnover machine. Runners Up: Brian Westbrook had 4 quick tds, the Giants are not phased by any Plaxico distraction.
You Got Jakked Up: Wes Welker, Ouches.
My Fantasy Anti-MVP: Donovan McNabb, 2 Weeks in a row you lay massive eggs. If I won 1 of those weeks, than your 35 point outburst this weekend would be meaningful. But it wasn't. 5-8 and out of the playoffs.
New York Jets Anti-MVP: Coaches, Use Thomas Jones on 3rd and 4th and 1 please. The man is gaining nearly 10 yards a clip, give him the football.
My Picks
My Picks: 10-6
Preseason Picks: 4-12
Picks Vs. Spread: 11-5
Pick Suggestions: 3-2
Once again I go diesel on the spread picks but still somehow only go 3-2 on the suggestions. Odd. Also, the preseason picks are beginning to crumble.