Appropriately dubbed the Cripple Fight by mgoblog, Michigan is playing Notre Dame this weekend live on NBC. The two winningest programs in college football history will certainly put up an exciting game right? Or not.
Why Even Tune Into the Game?
Well if you're a hater of the Wolverines, the Big Ten or Notre Dame this is the perfect opportunity to watch with and make fun of your Northern friends.
How Will the Game Turn Out?
My buddy Joe at CollegeGameBalls thinks Michigan will win 31-24. To which I think he's smoking some dope. Not that I think Michigan won't win. I have no idea, both of these teams suck and Michigan is really really good historically at losing to Notre Dame and making them look good for no reason at all. Should Michigan dominate? Probably. Will they? I've got no idea.
Anyway I don't disagree with the pick what I do disagree with is the score. 31-24? Michigan scored 16 points against Miami of F'n Ohio. They can't make up their mind on which quarterback sucks less. In two games they've put up a total of 486 total yards. Tim Tebow puts that up himself practically every game. The Great White Hope, Sam McGuffie is leading the team in rushing and 2nd in the team in receiving yards after two games. The problem? He's averaging 3.3 yards a carry. Whoops. If Michigan drops 31 it might be a miracle.
Oh and Notre Dame also sucks. They dropped 21 on a San Diego St. team that gave up 29 points to Cal Poly. Cal F'n Poly, a bunch of loser engineers. In the process ND turned the ball over 4 times. Ugh that's awful.
The Ramifications of the Game

So what is the ramifications of the game? Well it actually might be a 'huge' game for Michigan and Notre Dame. Notre Dame is coming off the 3-9 catastrophe and need to actually beat a team that isn't a service academy. Perhaps with a win they could get on a roll against the Weak 10 and fight its way to a bowl game this year. If they lose than Vigo Clausen might go down as the worst quarterback to wear the gold helmet ever. For Michigan they've made a bowl game my entire life. This is the questionable year. Sure they only need 6 wins, but damn their quarterbacks blow. If they lose this game they could be in deep shit. Sure the Big 10 sucks, but so do they.
In essence the winner of this game should make a bowl. The loser of this game just might not make a bowl.
Cripple Fight Photoshop from CGB
Vigo Clausen from the Sporting Blog