The Degrees of Loss Separation is a simple concept, I go out and find a highly rated team with some losses playing against a crappy team with lots of losses. Next I find a chain of losses which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt (not at all) that the underdog is going to pull the major upset and storm the field. The Final Outcome is calculated simply: Add up the scores of the losers, add up the scores of the winners in the degrees of loss separation and divide both by the # of degrees.
The Game: Michigan St. Spartans vs. Ohio St. Buckeyes
The Spartans have surprised many this year by going 6-1 and find themselves with a legitimate opportunity to make the trip out to Pasadena. Both squads are currently undefeated in the Big 10 with both losing their battles in California. The Buckeyes started off the year with title hopes that were dashed in the LA Coliseum but are also still playing with hopes of a Rose Bowl trip while in the back of their minds praying for a lot of chips to fall their way. The Spartans are lead by Javon Ringer who has approximetly 4000 carries in 7 games and is in the running for the Heisman while the Buckeyes have turned over their squad took Freshman Sensation T Pryor.
5º of Loss Separation : Michigan St. beat Notre Dame beat Stanford beat Oregon St. beat USC beat Ohio St.
This all starts off with the beatdown of Ohio St. at the hands of the Trojans and then the Trojans following up the massive win with another chokejob against the Beavers. The Beavers who have been beaten by two undefeated teams but also were knocked off the opener against Stanford. Stanford of course did their annual losing to the Fighting Irish who were manhandled in their trip to East Lansing.
Final Outcome: Michigan St. 30 Ohio St. 16
The Degrees say that the Spartans will win this game by 2 touchdowns. Because USC was able to throttle the Buckeyes so badly it increased the outcome predictor of this game significantly. If the score does in fact wind up 30-16 then you can expect Ringer's Heisman hopes to be bumped up another notch.
The Game: Michigan St. Spartans vs. Ohio St. Buckeyes

5º of Loss Separation : Michigan St. beat Notre Dame beat Stanford beat Oregon St. beat USC beat Ohio St.
This all starts off with the beatdown of Ohio St. at the hands of the Trojans and then the Trojans following up the massive win with another chokejob against the Beavers. The Beavers who have been beaten by two undefeated teams but also were knocked off the opener against Stanford. Stanford of course did their annual losing to the Fighting Irish who were manhandled in their trip to East Lansing.
Final Outcome: Michigan St. 30 Ohio St. 16
The Degrees say that the Spartans will win this game by 2 touchdowns. Because USC was able to throttle the Buckeyes so badly it increased the outcome predictor of this game significantly. If the score does in fact wind up 30-16 then you can expect Ringer's Heisman hopes to be bumped up another notch.