"Every Sports Fan Pray For Nebraska"
Because they suck a fat one.

Male Cheerleader or Rabid/Non-Hetero Fan
You Make the Call.

Do The Commodore Dance
Choo Choo... Choo Choo

We Dominated Nebraska and Won A Bell
How'd They Get This Big M on This Here Bell?

Hey Anybody Know If We Won Today?
I Was Upstairs and Can't See that Far

A Fast Black Quarterback Running Past the Michigan Defense
A Recurring Michigan Theme

The De-Helmeter
Saban Teaches the Stiff Arm

BYU Samoan Mormons Play Without Helmets
Crazy Dudes with 5 Wives

No Catch
Three Men, 1 Ball, 1 Ground to Fall

One Sad Bull
Why Can't Grothe Pick Up Blitzes?

Why Ain't We #1?
My Contract is Only So Long, I need a New Job.
Because they suck a fat one.

Male Cheerleader or Rabid/Non-Hetero Fan
You Make the Call.

Do The Commodore Dance
Choo Choo... Choo Choo

We Dominated Nebraska and Won A Bell
How'd They Get This Big M on This Here Bell?

Hey Anybody Know If We Won Today?
I Was Upstairs and Can't See that Far

A Fast Black Quarterback Running Past the Michigan Defense
A Recurring Michigan Theme

The De-Helmeter
Saban Teaches the Stiff Arm

BYU Samoan Mormons Play Without Helmets
Crazy Dudes with 5 Wives

No Catch
Three Men, 1 Ball, 1 Ground to Fall

One Sad Bull
Why Can't Grothe Pick Up Blitzes?

Why Ain't We #1?
My Contract is Only So Long, I need a New Job.
