~We got to watch the Red Sox fail several times when the opportunity to win was presented to them.
~Losing last night essentially makes the greatest single game playoff comeback of our lifetime meaningless.
~We won't have to listen to any of that dynasty talk.
~David Ortiz looks like he might be on the steady decline.
~Ortiz went 0 for last night including a huge strike him out throw him out DP.
~V-Tek is officially 100% washed up.
~Jon Lester might not be the superhero that he appeared to be through the ALDS.
~No Papelbon dancing.
~The Yanks still suck and the Red Sox today still on paper will have better team in 09.
~With Pedroia, Youk, Lester, Beckett, Lowrie, Jacoby, and Dice-K the Red Sox still have a core of players to build around for the next 5 seasons.
~BJ Upton officially is back to being an uber prospect.
~Matt Garza might have just gone from #3 on the staff to lockdown ace / Cy Young contender.
~Evan Longoria could easily turn into the best 3rd baseman in the league if Arod starts declining with age.
~David Price has the balls as a rookie with literally no Major League Experience to go out in Extra Innings in Game 2 and in the final innings of Game 7 and dominate. He is a future ace.
~Kazmir is a multiple all star performer and he just might be their 4th best pitcher next season behind Shields, Garza and Price.
~Because of all those points above theDevil Rays might be better next year and certainly will not be going away anytime soon.

~Losing last night essentially makes the greatest single game playoff comeback of our lifetime meaningless.
~We won't have to listen to any of that dynasty talk.
~David Ortiz looks like he might be on the steady decline.
~Ortiz went 0 for last night including a huge strike him out throw him out DP.
~V-Tek is officially 100% washed up.
~Jon Lester might not be the superhero that he appeared to be through the ALDS.
~No Papelbon dancing.

~With Pedroia, Youk, Lester, Beckett, Lowrie, Jacoby, and Dice-K the Red Sox still have a core of players to build around for the next 5 seasons.
~BJ Upton officially is back to being an uber prospect.
~Matt Garza might have just gone from #3 on the staff to lockdown ace / Cy Young contender.
~Evan Longoria could easily turn into the best 3rd baseman in the league if Arod starts declining with age.
~David Price has the balls as a rookie with literally no Major League Experience to go out in Extra Innings in Game 2 and in the final innings of Game 7 and dominate. He is a future ace.
~Kazmir is a multiple all star performer and he just might be their 4th best pitcher next season behind Shields, Garza and Price.
~Because of all those points above the