So yesterday I'm getting into the locker room and there's a large bag in front of the set of lockers. Seriously who leaves their stuff just lying on the floor of a gym locker room eh who cares, I thought and so I just opened up the typical locker and started getting changed. Now when I get to the gym after work it's a relatively quick turnaround, I usually work out in the undershirt I wore at work and just need to put on shorts and sneakers and throw on the Ipod. So I take off the jacket and hang it up and begin to unbutton the shirt when the owner of the bag decides to come collect his belongings.
The owner of the bag didn't leave his bag in the open when he was working out, rather he left his bag on the floor when he headed into the locker room showers and now he was set to change and be out of his way. Of course his locker was on the opposite side of the corner right by mine making it a highly cramped area, but there was one significant piece that made this worse. The old man refused to hide his junk. Nope just merrily walking around the locker room butt ass naked. So I'm attempting to speed up the changing process while I have a 50 year naked man 6-inches away from ass on ass grinding and of course I forget the Ipod and have to go back.
Anyway the moral of the story is that it's not that fucking hard to wrap a god damn towel around your waste so your old man junk and wrinkly ass isn't flopping around the locker room. No one wants to be disturbed at the gym prior to being disturbed when they see all the fat gynemy ladies on their treadmills with their fupas.
Moral of the story is that I need to find an actual gym, not a fitness center.