After a week hiatus due to me being lazy, the Weekly Waste is back with a vengeance in 2008. 1. West Virginia Fans - He's just one of the many West Virginia fans whom are delusional and moronic. You should be grateful that Rich Rodriguez brought your college back into the National Spotlight. Don Nehlen was a solid coach but Rodriguez one 3 more Big East Titles in 1/3 of the time. Be appreciative of what he's done and the fact that he left the cupboard full. 2. Mr. & Mrs. Whitthoft - There's typically a kid in everybody's elementary school class that wears the same thing every week. He might be from a poor family or he's got a rotation that's as predictable as a typical 5 man staff. But a kid wearing the same jersey everyday for 4 years, well that's just plain old pathetic. 3. Al Groh - If you have a 14 point lead with 3 minutes to go you need a collapse to go into overtime. You need your team to play like garbage, you need to call all the wrong plays on offense and all the wrong plays on defense. In order to lose the game in regulation when having a 2 td lead with only a few minutes remaining you need to be one of the worst coaches of all time. And thus Al Groh was able to accomplish this. 4. Chris Burke - Wanna know how to force your step mother into a divorce. First you need your step father to be the coach of a big time college football team. Second you need to sucker him into having you on the sidelines working some job he made up for you. And finally you need to run out onto the field and get a crucial penalty in a Bowl Game. What a moron. Get Your Vote On Last Weeks Winner: The New York Knicks |
This is me ranting about sports... It's what I do.
The WV fans remind me of Mets fans
Chris Burke is a moron
Losing that 14 point lead is just awful.
and those parents need to be beat with a lead pipe, hopefully knocking some sense into them. The kid is already a little goofy lookin' ... there's no reason to allow him to embarrass himself further ...