"Dude Notre Dame is 1-8 they suck, they're just as bad as Duke."
"Perhaps we are celebrating a bit too much."
"Ya our other three wins are probably better."

2. "Why is Bill Callahan still coaching?
3. I can't wait to see coach dominate the buffet line later.

2. We won right?
3. Where am I?

"Dude... that was your mom."

2. This is me pooping on Coach Saban's forehead.
3. If I hold this pose any longer I will develop hemhroids.

2. Who'd we play? How did I get here? What's going on?
3. I sell Pot to fund raise for the next Dennis Dixon for Heisman billboard.

2. Everybody else is in the ticket refund line.
3. As much as we got smoked by Mizzou today, atleast I'm not a Cornhusker.

2. I'm Major Applewhite, get it the red for apple the white for white. Aren't I clever?
3. I inhaled some paint chips when I was spray painting my beard white.

Coach Franchione "I understand, I do suck plus your brother Mike will probably be looking to crawl back in a few months."
Coach Stoops "Ya he sucks too, but blood is blood unfortunately."

2. Next time coach I'm gonna run for more than 336 yards, cause I'm smooth.
3. Darren Darren will autograph my hat, sign it out to Houston, like the city.

2. The Pain Train is coming, woooooo.
3. I'm flexing to scare you away from pummeling me. is it working?

2. Matt Ryan for Heisman can officially be canceled.
3. We are the most inconsistent team in football. Woooo...