Just when I thought Boston fans couldn't get any more annoying their De Facto spokesperson, Bill Simmons makes my hatred boil deeper. In this weeks version of his NFL picks, instead of giving any analysis of last weeks action or this weeks action, he decided to spend the entire
3,500+ word post on bitching about the officiating in the Patriot win. Needless to say it was f*cking annoying and eventually came off as I'm a New England Patriot fan so I can bitch and moan after wins and have the right to act like a complete douche cause my team is better than yours. I would elaborate on this more and may on monday, but right now it's 4:11 and I'm already 11 minutes late on leaving work an hour early so I'll just leave you the most ludicrous of his words:
"We haven't seen homefield advantage work that well since Hitler invaded Russia."
Correction Bill, Russia defeated Hitler the Colts did not defeat the Pats...
Simmons jumped the shark about 3 years ago.