See I have Eli Manning, in both leagues, the very Eli Manning who played one of the worst games in the history of the NFL and easily the worst game of his career. However, due to my leagues being heavily quarterback point centric Eli put up 9 and 10 points respectively in my leagues. Even in the most non quarterback centric leagues -2 for a turnover, 4 for a td and 1 for 50 passing yards, Eli Manning put up positive points. In one of my matchups Eli actually put up three more points than Vince Young and while Vince had a poor game it's pretty easy to say that Eli had a worse game and yet Eli put up more points. Why? Because Fantasy Leagues ignore the Pick Six.
Why is a pass for ten yards worth more than a pass for ten yards and a touchdown and yet an interception is always just that an interception, regardless of whether or not the throw is brought to the house. Simple math says 3 to 1. Eli Manning threw for 4 touchdowns, three for the Vikings and one for the Giants. One plus negative three equals negative two. If Eli Manning's performance wasn't a negative than really what is?
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