2. We just concluded the greatest Notre Dame Season ever...
3. Or worst.

2. The Croom is allergic to ice.
3. The Croom is going bowling for the first time and there will be gutter balls thrown everywhere.

2. You doubted my abilities to end the season with 2 losses, oh how you were wrong.
3. Where's that plane ticket to Ann Arbor?

2. Isn't this how Colt got his last concussion?
3. That guy in the glasses in the front row is pretty pumped up.

4. Tim Tebow's baby.
5. Tim Tebow's child support payments.

2. And her
3. And her
4. And her
5. And her
6. And her
7. And her
8. And her...

2. I did not sign up to actual play when I came her as the 3rd string quarterback.
3. Good thing I'm wearing my butt plug.

2. I bet that dude could eat a Cheesburger this big.
3. I wonder if he needs all doors in his office this wide so he can fit through them.

2. Tebow's arm is bigger than my body.
3. Hell Tebow's dong is bigger than my arm.

2. We're the best team in the great state of Texas, and we stink.
3. I'm riding my imaginary motorcycle and it is the coolest.

2. Virginia just lost to a team coached by an assface, ha.
3. I just found out that Tyrod Taylor is Michael Vick #2, that's pretty cool.