A lot of sneaky this week. Sneaky blow jobs and sneaky stabbings. And a bit of whining and horrible coaching. 1. Dejon Bivens -In High School I would have joined the Tennis Team if it didn't conflict with the baseball season. Sure some of the kids on the team were a bit fruity, but I enjoy playing tennis and if I practiced I probably would have been pretty good at it, but after hearing about this story I think it's best that there was a conflict. I can't even express how disturbing I felt reading this post, nevermind if you were the unsuspecting teammate waking up to a blow job looking down and seeing that it was your teammate. That's f*cked up. 2. 17 Year Old Blake High Athlete - Good Game, Good Game Good Game, Slice, Slice, Slice. How do you go about choosing which kids you are going to cut when you are in the handshake line. It's too bad this kid is a minor cause his name should really be out there. 17 or 18 what's really the difference? Either way let's hope that this kid gets his ass beat at some point in time real soon. 3. Don Shula - Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine. I think that's all that was coming out of elderly Don's mouth this weekend. He just seems like an old bitter man right now. He bitched and moaned last year when his son got canned at Alabama and now he obviously wants an asterisk whether he comes out and says it or not. 4. Billie Gillespie - What an excellent way to start your run as coach of one of the most historic college basketball programs of all time, getting absolutely smoked by a college that most people probably have never heard of. Hell can you even name a team that's in the Atlantic Sun conference? That's highly doubtful, I don't even know what states that conference generally covers. So when you lose, and by a lot, to a team like that you might want to purchase all the firegillespie.com sites. Get Your Vote On Last Weeks Winner: Scott Boras |
This is me ranting about sports... It's what I do.
Here are the ways the Pats would be like Barry Bonds
1) If the entire team was taking Steriods
2) If they caught the Pats stealing signals at Week 15
3) If Bonds was caught stealing signals so he knew what pictches were coming, in his rookie year.
Thats it