Do you like that pitch? Not bad if I say so myself, just came up with it. Guess that marketing class is wearing off on me a bit. Ok now onto normal Simon, who in the world is going to chew on some Jelly Beans instead of drinking a god damn Gatorade or Propel or some form of liquid? Is this not one of the dumbest products out there? I know, on the rare occasion, that I do eat Jellybeans that they tend to stick to your damn teeth. So who exactly is going to pop some jellybeans in their mouth when they're riding a bike or running a marathon. The time it takes to chew and swallow is much more time consuming and tedious than just swallowing a liquid. Plus after eating the damn things you're probably going to want some water to go with them. Sometimes your product just has no place in the market, and an energy jelly bean is one of these times.